Employer or Carrier Selects
An employer may designate the treating health care provider to initially treat an injured employee immediately following a compensable injury. Thereafter, the employee may select another health care provider upon giving the employer written notice of the employee's reasons for dissatisfaction with the health care provider designated by the employer and the name and address of the health care provider selected by the employee. The commissioner may permit an employer to refuse to reimburse a health care provider selected by the employee if notice required in this subsection is not provided to the employer unless the failure to provide notice is due to excusable neglect or inadvertence. (21 V.S.A. § 640 (b))

Choice of physician; notice of intent to change. An employer or insurance carrier may designate a health care facility and/or provider, as those terms are defined in 18.V.S.A. §9432(8) and (9) to initially treat an injured employee immediately following a claimed work-related injury. 21 V.S.A. §640(b). (CVR 24-010-003 4.1100)

Change of Provider
An employer may designate the treating health care provider to initially treat an injured employee immediately following a compensable injury. Thereafter, the employee may select another health care provider upon giving the employer written notice of the employee's reasons for dissatisfaction with the health care provider designated by the employer and the name and address of the health care provider selected by the employee. (21 V.S.A. § 640 (b))

At or before initial treatment, the employer, insurance carrier or designated health care facility or provider shall provide the injured worker with a Notice of Intent to Change Health Care Provider (Form 8). At any time after the initial treatment, the injured worker may select another health care facility and/or provider by filing the completed Notice with the employer or insurance carrier. The Notice shall include the injured worker's reason(s) for dissatisfaction with the initially designated health care facility or provider and the name and address of the health care facility or provider with whom he or she intends to treat. 21 V.S.A. §640(b). (CVR 24-010-003 4.1110)

Not addressed

Panel Provisions
See Direction of Care law.

The information on this website constitutes summary information only and does not constitute legal advice. Review of the full text of the referenced statutes and regulations may be necessary. Coventry Health Care Workers' Compensation, Inc. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy of the information contained on this website.